Frontline Workers 2022 CuNi AlBr Uncirculated Six Coin Year Set
Royal Australian MintThe Coin Company is proud to present Frontline Workers 2022 CuNi AlBr Uncirculated Six Coin Year Set produced by The Royal Australian Mint
During the COVID-19 pandemic, a new type of Australian hero emerged! Their bravery and professionalism ensured that we were safe, secure and looked after. These heroes are Australia’s frontline workers. The Royal Australian Mint proudly acknowledges the effort and skills of our frontline workers with this 2022 Uncirculated Six-Coin Set. The set features a specially designed coloured two dollar coin showing twelve frontline worker pictograms encircling a connected pattern representing all Australians.
When the first confirmed case of COVID-19 was identified in Australia on 25 January 2020 none of us could comprehend the world changing events that were about to unfold and envelop the planet. As borders closed and mandatory quarantining was introduced, groups of professionals pulled up their sleeves and got to work.
Frontline Workers 2022 CuNi AlBr Uncirculated Six Coin Year Set has unlimited mintage.