The Coin Company is proud to present 2024 Fiji 1oz Year of the Dragon Silver Antiqued Dice Coin
The dice date back at least 5,000 years, and it’s an incredibly simple item. Suffice to say, this new coin is an extremely realistic piece with incused pips for the numbers, coloured in either black or red. It also features an incused dragon, the dragon is the fifth animal in the zodiac cycle and is considered China’s most important cultural symbol. Seen as possessing magical powers, the Chinese dragon is much more benevolent than the fire-breathing monsters of Western culture. Wise and powerful, the dragon symbolises courage, confidence and adventurousness, whilst being seen to represent success and ambition.
The coin comes housed within an elegant presentation case perfect for collectors and for gift-giving, complete with Certificate of Authenticity.
2024 Fiji 1oz Year of the Dragon Silver Antiqued Dice Coin has a limited mintage of 888 coins
Product Availability - Early December!